Women's Snowboards

Whether youre a beginner or a pro, having the right gear for the mountain is one of the most important aspects of snowboarding. Our snowboarding experts have grouped together the best women's snowboards on the market from top brands like GNU, Nitro and Salomon. Its safe to say you can find the board you need here at Tactics.
Buying a new snowboard is an exciting experience, but even though any board can get you down the mountain you should find the one that will fit your needs the best. Shopping is easy when you filter by your riding style, board profile, size and shape. Narrow down your search and get the perfect board.
Getting a board thats purpose built for the style of riding that you do can be a gamechanger. If you plan on slashing through powder and hitting huge backcountry drops, then a freeride board should be your go-to. Built with a large nose and typically featuring a directional shape and stiffer flex, these boards were meant to get you through the deep stuff.
For park riders, flexibility is the name of the game. Freestyle boards have a soft flex that make doing tricks like grabs and rail presses easier. But dont let the soft flex steer you away, these boards are still just as strong as any. Usually built with a twin shape, these boards make riding switch and fakie a lot easier. Get one and hit the park!
If you cant decide, youre new to snowboarding, or you want something that falls in between those other options,all-mountain snowboards are a happy medium. These boards range in many categories, combining the best of both worlds. All-mountain boards allow you to ride wherever your run takes you and will perform well in most environments. Just strap in and get going.
If enjoying the freedom that snowboarding provides is what youre after, then grab a board and some friends and hit the hills. If you have questions about womens snowboards, contact our customer service team for more insights and advice.